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Rodent Droppings in Your Home or Business?

Just hearing the word “mice” or “rat” is enough to give many people the willies but having them in your home will entice most homeowners to scramble for the telephone. Household pests like mice, rats, racoons and even cockroaches can, at the very least, be a nuisance - more than that though they can pose a severe threat to both your property and your health. Mice, for example, are constantly urinating and defecating, tracking disease and bacteria across every surface they touch via their paws and fur. So before grabbing the vacuum, first consider your own health and safety. Let the professionals at Steri-Clean Indiana guide you through the most efficient and safe way to clean and disinfect your space. 


Rest assured, we understand rodents and other pests can invade any space. We have received calls from commercial property managers, restaurant owners and multi-million-dollar estates. We never judge because we know these critters don’t care what they invade, they just want to survive. We often work in homes with excessive clutter. Layers of clutter will often conceal infestations. So hoarded homes are especially susceptible to pest invasion. Steri-Clean Indiana is specially trained to work in difficult circumstances and environments. You will always receive professionalism and discretion from all our kind staff.   


What Diseases are Present?


Rodents or vermin (squirrels, raccoons) invade our homes, vehicles, and/or businesses in a variety of ways looking for food and shelter. They are most active at night and can scurry over a myriad of surfaces leaving a trail of urine, feces, and saliva. Once this fecal matter dries, it can be hazardous to those who encounter it and should be decontaminated by a professional pest waste cleanup company like Steri-Clean Indiana. Rodents are associated with a number of health risks. In fact, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) reports mice and rats are known to spread more than 35 diseases including:


  • Asthma and allergies

  • Salmonellosis

  • Leptospirosis

  • Rat-Bite Fever

  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis


These diseases can be spread to humans directly through the handling of live or dead rodents, fecal material, and rodent bites or indirectly through fleas, ticks, or mites that may have fed on infected rodents. Hantavirus is the most common disease found in rodent droppings and poses the greatest health concerns. In many cases the simple disturbance of mice feces can project diseases into the air infecting humans through inhalation. Due to the presence of such harmful airborne pathogens, rodent dropping cleanup can be especially dangerous without the help from your locally owned and highly trained pest waste cleanup experts from Steri-Clean Indiana.


Pigeons and bats sometimes find their way into attics or warehouses. Their droppings can be especially dangerous especially to those who may to maintain service or electrical panels in these areas. Histoplasmosis is an airborne infection that comes from breathing in spores that have been left from bat or bird droppings. It can also cause lung damage and is often found in older buildings that are being renovated. In many cases, simply breathing the toxic air they leave behind is enough to be hazardous and spread infectious diseases to humans.


Rodent Dropping Cleanup


A rodent infestation is something no one ever wants in their home. Hiring a professional company having the right tools, knowledge, and experience is a sure way to guarantee your safety. Let the highly trained experts at Steri-Clean ensure your space is safe and completely decontaminated from the health risks associated with pest waste. 


Take precautions before & during any cleanup of pest infested areas. Every effort should be made to prevent the fecal material from becoming airborne.


Before cleaning:

  • Trap the rodents and seal all entryways, then wait a week to ensure there is no more activity. 

  • Use cross-ventilation by opening doors and windows to allow fresh air to enter the area for a minimum of 30 minutes. 


During cleaning:

  • Always wear protective safety equipment. Nitrile gloves and face respirators with P100 filters are recommended. 

  • Spray the affected area with a commercial grade disinfectant or a 10% bleach solution. Be mindful of the hazards and health concerns regarding the use of bleach

  • Wipe up all feces and urine with paper towel and dispose of in well-sealed plastic bags. HEPA vacuum is also acceptable. Never use regular filters.

  • Disinfect all areas and allow them to stay wet for the recommended amount of time.


Pest Waste Cleanup Services from A Trusted Professional


Let’s face it, no one wants to hire a rodent dropping cleanup company. Whether you have mice in the pantry or raccoons in the attic, it all means the same thing – unwanted stress. If your property has been affected with pest urine and feces, it is recommended you partner with a professional pest waste cleanup company skilled in the safe removal and disinfection of these health hazards. Click or Call to contact Steri-Clean Indiana today for all your rodent dropping cleanup services Toll free 888-577-7206.

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