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Human Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

About Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

Steri-Clean has the only effective protocol and training to ELIMINATE the viruses from any environment. 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus that affects the respiratory tract and is spread with person to person contact.

Symptoms: According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure. Symptoms can include: fever, cough and shortness of breath.


Prevention & Treatment
There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV Coronavirus infection. The CDC believes the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus and recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent from spreading:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid close contact with people who appear to be sick

  • Stay at home if you are sick

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands thoroughly

  • Clean and apply disinfectant to commonly touched objects and surfaces (See next paragraph)


Steri-Clean Services for Microorganisms & COVID-19

If there is an outbreak of any size in your area or you need additional information about mass decontamination, please contact Steri-Clean’s knowledgeable technicians to get additional information. We can provide the following services for homes, businesses, warehouses, public transportation, and more. 
    •    24 Hour response serving with dozens of offices throughout the country
    •    Thorough cleaning to remove biofilms from all surfaces 
    •    Trained technicians to use and apply the appropriate disinfectant for the COVID-19 virus, both L and S strains
    •    Application of disinfectants through one or more delivery methods including electrostatic, mist, fogging, and direct spray.
    •    Surface testing to confirm efficacy of our cleaning processes*

*Steri-Clean utilizes ATP monitoring to assure surfaces are clean before and after our disinfectants are applied. ATP monitors test for Adenosine Triphosphate which is stored energy found in every cells. While viruses do not contain cells, the removal of biofilms and cellular activity on all surfaces assures our disinfectants can properly kill the viruses.

For additional details, contact us today. 1-888-577-7206

STERI-CLEAN® INDIANA - Superbug Cleanup

The WHO (World Health Organization) predicts by year 2050 there will be 10 million deaths annually from antibiotic resistant bacteria. This would displace cancer as a leading cause of death…

The word “Superbugs” is a moniker placed on a set of microorganisms shown to be resistant to common treatments and or antibiotics. To the extent, there is growing concern in the healthcare community over increasing resistance to hospital administered antibiotics as well. There are several schools of thought as to why this is becoming such a problem, but most would agree; broad spectrum antibiotic overuse, lack of patient compliance to complete drug regimens, and increasing frequency of hospital acquired infections are primary factors in the evolutionary development of superbugs and the subsequent spreading of them.  


Whether you are dealing with a superbug or not, it is well known viruses and bacteria can survive on affected surfaces from a couple of hours to several weeks, as in the case of Nora Virus. Frequent hand washing, proper hygiene, and regular surface cleaning in homes and businesses help reduce the potential for infections. 


When outbreaks begin to appear or if you have been infected with a drug resistant microorganism, we are ready to properly disinfect contaminated areas and make your property safe again. Contact Steri-Clean’s  professional Superbug cleanup services today.


Infectious Disease & Superbug Cleanup

As infectious microbes become increasingly resistant to drug therapies, it becomes more important than ever to utilize the services of a trained and professional superbug cleanup company, such as Steri-Clean Indiana. We endeavor to be the line of defense to contain an outbreak and to stop the spread of infectious pathogens. 


As a leading crime scene cleanup company, we understand the risks associated with decontaminating biohazards and known or unknown deadly pathogens. When your operations are halted or loved ones are no longer comfortable visiting, this is no time for cutting corners. Steri-Clean delivers compassion, discretion, clear communication and technology-based results.

Superbug & Infectious Disease Decontamination Projects Require

  • All Critical and high traffic areas are processed & made ready for decontamination

  • Only the safest disinfectants are used specific to known pathogens. Disinfectant solutions should provide a minimum 6-log kill meaning 99.999% of colony forming units be eradicated when used according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 

  • Smart Technology devices are employed to deliver uniform application of all chemicals ensuring all sides of a target area are treated. Smart Technology equipment provides superior results with less labor. Therefore, decreasing down time in operations.

  • Data-based conformational testing performed on multiple surfaces to ensure biological activity is at or below hospital grade levels.

Can’t I Just Use Bleach?

In short, yes. There is no question or argument bleach is a benchmark for disinfection purposes, but there are concerns about its use that should be considered.

  • The use of bleach can be cost effective as it is typically mixed as a 10% solution, but bleach degrades relatively quickly and is no longer effective after an 8 to 10-hour day.

  • Bleach is known to irritate mucous linings, skin and cause respiratory reactions in sensitive people.

  • Bleach rapidly deactivates when in contact with dirt, grime or other soiled surfaces. The odor of bleach can often provide a false sense of security that something has been disinfected when in fact it deactivated before it had a chance to.

  • Bleach is not a cleaner as there are no surfactants in a bleach solution. All surfaces must be cleaned of all soil substances prior to bleach application in order for it to be effective. Alternatively, Steri-Clean provides disinfectants with kill claims in the presence of up to 5% soil loads. 

  • Bleach is a highly reactive substance and should never be mixed with other household chemicals or surfactants.

  • Bleach is highly corrosive to metals and can discolor any pigment containing porous material. 

  • As with most disinfectants, bleach must remain wet on a surface for a specified duration before wiping off. The corrosive nature of bleach puts certain surfaces at risk for damage and limits equipment that can be used to apply the bleach solution.


We consider bleach to be a last resort option in all our processes. We have safer, greener solutions providing the same efficacy as bleach for tough pathogens like Nora Virus, MRSA, C.Diff, and Coxsackie Viral strains.

Superbugs and Other Difficult Infectious Agent

Superbugs are commonly described as virus or bacteria that have become highly resistant to antibiotics. Many of the more common and troubling microbes are listed here. Steri-Clean Indiana is here to work with schools and other state, local & private entities dealing with outbreaks to quickly restore safety and reopen their facilities.


C.Diff. (Clostridium Difficile) – An example of what is known as an opportunistic bacterium in the gut lining. C.Diff is typically acquired in hospitals or long-term care settings when one touches a surface affected with fecal matter containing C.Diff spores and subsequently touches their mouth, nose or any mucous orifice. The use of broad spectrum antibiotics tends to kill off beneficial bacteria in the gut giving C.Diff an opportunity to proliferate and produce toxins injuring the lining of the intestines causing severe diarrhea. 


Troubling concerns regarding C.Diff: Recent studies have discovered increasing numbers of hypervirulent strains producing upwards of 16 to 23 times more toxins. Prophylactic measures – washing hands, proper hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces – have never been more important to prevent cross contamination.

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) – Once confined to hospitals, is now more commonly found in locker rooms, hair salons, playgrounds, and other community and private settings. It is estimated to infect 2 million and responsible for 23,000 deaths annually. MSRA is contracted by touching contaminated surfaces or objects and making contact through cuts or wounds or mucous membranes. Survival rates of MRSA on surfaces, depending on environmental conditions, can be as long as several days to weeks.


CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae) – 50% mortality rate in hospitalized patients. These bacteria can cause infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, wound infections, and meningitis.

These infections are significant because the bacteria are resistant to Carbapenem antibiotics which are considered one of the last lines of defense for hospitals. 


There is a long list of urgent, serious, concerning and watch list antibiotic resistant superbugs on the CDC website.


Other difficult infectious agents more likely to affect campus settings or places of business include; Nora Virus, Coxsackie Viral strains and Influenza. Any of which have the potential of shutting a place down quickly. 


Nora Virus can be quite troublesome as it can live on surfaces for more than two weeks and is very contagious. There are a limited number of safe disinfectants with kill claims for Nora Virus and the challenge is the ability to cost effectively cover all affected surfaces in short time frames. We can help with that.


Coxsackie Viral strains include approximately 29 different viruses. There are a number of disease conditions that can be caused by Coxsackie. One such example might be Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. They typically result in asymptomatic reactions like a fever or ill feeling. Infections can also be more severe resulting in meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis, myocarditis, pericarditis, diabetes and rash conditions. 


The Flu probably needs no further explanation other than it can overrun a campus quickly and sometimes violently. Perhaps, allowing the virus to run its course before opening operations may be a cost-effective solution, but when time is of the essence Steri-Clean can provide the necessary infectious disease decontamination service you need. 


We have also responded to athletic facilities needs where MRSA, Impetigo or ringworm are a concern. In many circumstances we have been able to compliment the efforts of the custodial staff as they conduct daily cleaning, and we’ve provided weekly disinfectant application to help prevent athletic related outbreaks at bay. In other words, we help keep the athletes healthy and competing. 

Why Hire Steri-Clean for Infectious Disease & Superbug Cleanup?

Discretion, efficiency, and safety are our top priorities. We know you want your business or home returned to safety as quickly and cost effectively as possible. Steri-Clean is one of the country’s first professional biohazard response companies. Since 1995, our highly trained and friendly teammates have performed superbug cleanup exceeding many client’s expectations. Your safety is our primary concern so please contact us today. Or call 888-577-7206 


Primary Factors in the Evolutionary Development of Superbugs

Resistance to antibiotic therapies is a growing concern worldwide as depicted by the WHO (World Health Organization) that predicts by year 2050 there will be 10 million deaths annually from antibiotic resistant bacteria. This would displace cancer as a leading cause of death. There are several schools of thought as to why this is becoming such a problem, but most would agree; the overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics, lack of patient compliance to complete drug regimens, and increasing frequency of hospital acquired infections are likely reasons.


Unrestrained overuse of drugs – For years healthcare professionals have quickly turned to drug therapy as a first line response to illness regardless of cause. Statistics reveal far too many illnesses caused by viruses have been provided antibiotic therapy in lieu of allowing the virus to take its course. Most antibiotics are not designed to treat viral infections. To save time in a doctor’s office swelling with sick patients many will use empirical diagnosis to set a course of treatment. Empirical diagnosis is basically relying on feedback and evidence of symptoms to determine the likelihood of an infection and prescribing the best drug to treat the symptoms to save time waiting on conformational testing


Prescribing drug therapy to satisfy ill patients – This is tough to consider, but doctors are in business too and they know in order to keep the doors open and in order to continue treating the ill they need to keep an eye on keeping their patients happy and satisfied with their services. With that said, many doctors today are becoming much more resistant to this sort of thinking, deciding instead to provide more candid feedback as to the best course of therapy and encouraging patients to wait a specific period of time before heading into the office. But, years of simply making patients happy by giving out another prescription has a price to pay. 


Patient compliance in completing a course of drug therapy – Antibiotics often have side effects but must be taken a prescribed number of times per day over a course of time to be truly effective. Many patients stop taking medicine when the side effects make them feel lousy or have a reaction. Some simply stop with the medicine once they begin to feel better. Stopping a course of therapy prematurely allows remaining pathogens to develop resistance to the drugs intended of wiping them out making it more difficult to treat the next time the patient gets ill.


Broad Spectrum drug overuse – Big Pharma continues to develop bigger & badder drugs in an effort to reduce side effects, improve patient compliance through shorter course treatments, and broaden the number of bugs they can kill. Backed with huge marketing budgets, they put pressure on healthcare professionals through public awareness ads to defend themselves to their patients about why they are not using the latest & greatest in the first place. Doctors have found themselves reaching too quickly for drugs that kill bacteria of a certain type in lieu of a more targeted approach. Using a broad-spectrum antibiotic result in a shotgun approach and the unintended consequences of this are killing off essential beneficial bacteria. This approach has led to dramatic increases in drug resistance and can sometimes make way for opportunistic bacteria like C.Diff to take over.  

Steri-Clean Indiana understands we cannot change what has happened with drug resistance nor can we curtail it. We can, however, play a role in helping families, businesses and the public sector prevent further spreading of infectious diseases through our Infectious Disease & Superbug Cleanup procedures. Contact us today. if you would like to learn how we might become a part of your contingency plan in case of an outbreak or if we can assist a family member decontaminate their home. Toll free, 888-577-7206

Factors leading to Development of Superbugs
Can I just use bleach?
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